Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dear Aditya & ,
Uploading a VDO of Antrochaonal Polyp.You can see in the vdo that it is arising from right side (AC Poylps  are UNILATERAL) and as is its tendency to grow posteriorly towards the nasopharynx.This has essentially 2 effects - 1) They are not are not seen easily on routine anteior rhoinoscopy
               2) When they reach the nasopharynx,they cause a BILATERAL nasal blockage even when they are UNILATERAL.
Also PROBING is used to differentiate it from 1) Hypertrophied Turbinate which is
a) Sensitive to touch

b) Bleeds to touch
c) Hard in consistency
d) It cannot be probed all around as it is laterally attached.
Please watch carefully.